Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Welders Lead (Cost-cutting charge)
When 70 welders and an engineer at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant were asked how to clean grit out of pipes, their answer saved TVA close to a quarter million dollars and helped the performance of the Unit 3 reactor.

After making modifications to the systems and equipment needed to “uprate” and be ready to increase the generating capacity of units 1 and 2 based on Nuclear Regulatory Commission approval, the units’ reactor cooling water needed additional clean-up. Impurities in the cooling water made it necessary to operate the cooling water filters every two days for six weeks, at a cost of about $250,000 per unit, until the water finally returned to proper purity.
The engineer and welders had a different theory. They said they’d seen soot and other smoke remnants from the welding — not grit or debris — collect inside the moisture separators of units 1 & 2. After some discussion, a plan was developed to wipe down and hose out the Unit 3 separators before the unit returned to operation.
As a result, the Unit 3 reactor water returned to proper purity in two days, rather than six weeks. The clean-up system had to operate only every 30 days, as designed, rather than every two days. Total cost was $10,000, rather than $250,000.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Boaters Can Prevent Pollution
Improving the Marine Engine
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) set emission standards for commercial and recreational marine engines that went into effect in 1998. All engines will meet the standards by 2006, when the phased in implementation period is completed. To meet the stringent standards, the marine industry developed technology for a new generation of low emission, high performance engines that are available now to recreational boaters.
Boaters Can Prevent Pollution:
Even with the new technology, the cooperation of individual boaters is essential in the effort to improve air quality and prevent pollution. Boaters can make a difference that will help protect the environment now and in the future by adopting the following practices:
- Limit engine operation at full throttle.
- Eliminate unnecessary idling.
- Avoid spilling gasoline.
- Use a gasoline container you can handle easily and hold securely.
- Pour slowly and smoothly.
- Use a funnel or a spout with an automatic stop device to prevent overfilling the gas tank.
- Close the vent on portable gas tanks when the engine is not in use or when the tank is stored.
- Transport and store gasoline out of direct sunlight in a cool, dry place.
- Use caution when pumping gasoline into a container at the gas station.
- Carefully measure the proper amounts of gasoline and oil when refueling.
- Follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule.
- Prepare engines properly for winter storage.
- Buy new, cleaner marine engines.
By combining these strategies, boaters can reduce pollution from marine engines and help improve air quality across the nation and protect public health.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Did U Know?

The Alamosaurus
Alamosaurus was named after Ojo Alamo (Cottonwood Spring) in New Mexico, where the first specimens were found early in 1922. Other Alamosaurus fossils have been found in Utah, Wyoming, and the Big Bend region of Texas. Adults were probably about 70 feet long.
Alamosaurus is the only known sauropod in North America from this time period (Upper Cretaceous). All North American sauropods died out about 105 million years ago. Then, after a 35-40 million year gap, Alamosaurus appeared in North America about 70 million years ago. (All dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago.) Some scientists believe that Alamosaurus migrated into North America from South America after the two continents were joined together by the Isthmus of Panama. This view is supported by the fact that Alamosaurus belongs to the titanosaurid family of sauropods, and titanosaurids were common in South America during the Cretaceous time period.
The discovery consists of 10 fossilized neck bones (cervical vertebrae). Three of the smaller vertebrae were carried out of the park's wilderness area by hand, and the seven larger vertebrae will be transported by helicopter. The larger fossilized bones are estimated to weigh over 1000 pounds apiece. The fossils have been covered with plaster casts to protect them during transportation to the paleontology laboratory at the Dallas Museum of Natural History.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
In Your Garden
Lawn and Garden
A beautiful and healthy lawn is good for our environment. It can resist damage from weeds, disease, and insect pests. Pesticides can be effective, but need to be used according to the directions on the label and should not be relied on as a quick-fix to lawn problems.
Here are some tips to follow
Develop healthy soil. Make sure your soil has the right pH balance, key nutrients, and good texture. You can buy easy-to-use soil analysis kits at hardware stores or contact your local County Cooperative Extension Service for a soil analysis.
Choose the right grass for your climate. If your area gets very little rain, don't plant a type of grass that needs a lot of water. Select grass seed that is well suited to your climate and other growing conditions such as the amount of sunlight and rain your lawn receives. Over-seed your lawn each Fall by spreading seeds on top of the lawn. A thicker lawn helps to crowd out weeds. Your local County Extension Service can advise you on which grasses grow best in your area.
Longer is Better. Make sure the lawn mower blades are sharp. Grass that is slightly long makes a strong, healthy lawn with few pest problems. Weeds have a hard time taking root and growing when grass is around 2½ to 3½ inches for most types of grass.
Water Early. It is time to water if footprint impressions stay in the lawn and do not spring back. Water early in the morning and only for short periods for time so the soil may absorb the water. Longer grass has stronger roots and retains water better.
Correct thatch buildup. Thatch is a layer of dead plant materials between the grass blades and the soil. When thatch gets too thick, deeper than 3/4 of an inch, water and nutrients are prevented from getting into the soil and reaching the roots of the grass. Overusing synthetic fertilizer can create heavy layer of thatch, and some kinds of grass are prone to thatch buildup.
Recycle grass. Don't pick up the grass clippings after you mow. Clippings will return nutrients and moisture to the soil. Consider buying a mulching lawn mower. This will cut the grass clippings finer and blow them into the lawn.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Airbus A380 (Largest - Ever Passenger Plane)

Prime Minister attends unveiling of world’s biggest aircraft:
Tony Blair said the aircraft was ‘absolutely stunning.’
He joined France’s president Jacques Chirac, Germany’s chancellor Gerhard Schroder and Spain’s Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero as representatives of the Airbus consortium.
The twin-deck aircraft can carry around 555 people. It is the length of a football pitch and has its wings built in the UK.
A fifth of Airbus is owned by the UK’s BAE Systems. The rest is controlled by the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company.
In a speech Mr Blair said the A380 was an example of ‘European co-operation at its best’ and showed the commitment of the 20,000 British workers who had helped to build it.
In a television link-up, the Prime Minister then spoke to schoolchildren assembled at Airbus UK’s Broughton plant in North Wales.
He told them that the new plane was ‘absolutely stunning and one of the most amazing things I have ever seen.’
The chief executives of airlines which have ordered the A380 were at the launch in Toulouse. So far 129 have been sold.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Computer Crime Task Force
The Computer Crime Task Force is designed to expand the focus on computer crime and statewide training.
Located at the Hamilton Technology Complex in Hamilton Township, Mercer County, the Computer Crime Task Force combines personnel from the Division of Criminal Justice's Computer Analysis and Technology Unit (CATU), the State Police Digital Technology Investigations Unit, and the State Police Cyber Crimes Unit.
The Computer Crime Task Force has three principal investigative units staffed with State Troopers, Division of Criminal Justice Investigators and FBI agents. The Task Force will focus on three primary areas of investigation where a computer is used to commit a crime: computer hacking and viruses, Internet fraud and creation and distribution of child pornography.
The three separate units are formally known as the Incident Response Unit, the Cyber Crimes Unit and the Internet Predatory Crimes Unit. Their goals are as follows:
- The Incident Response Unit is, among other things, responsible for conducting investigations that focus on the use of computers, computer networks, telecommunication devices and other technological devices to commit cyber crime, as well as the "victimization" of those same technologies by cyber criminals. The IRU is also responsible for providing cyber-crime-awareness-related outreach to New Jersey residents and business operators, and for training members of the New Jersey law enforcement community regarding network-intrusion-related crimes and their impact.
- The Cyber Crime Unit's principal mission is to conduct investigations focused on use of computers in fraud and identity theft.
- The Internet Predatory Crimes Unit's chief responsibility is to conduct investigations involving Internet-driven crimes against children such as trafficking in child pornography and on-line luring. The Internet Predatory Crimes Unit is also responsible for providing awareness-related outreach services on the vulnerabilities of children to cyber crime, and the impact of technology-driven crimes on young people.
In addition, the Intelligence Analyst is chiefly responsible for ensuring that there is compliance with prevailing policies and procedures for entering, modifying, purging and auditing data contained in the Task Force intelligence repository.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Drink and Drive

States of Jersey Police hold two drink drive campaigns every year, one in the summer months, and one at Christmas. However, drink drive checks happen throughout the year, and States officers work closely with their colleagues in the Honorary Police to carry out drink drive checks on motorists.
Throughout the year, the message is - do not drink and drive. In 2005, the number of people charged with drink driving fell slightly compared to 2004, but the Police are still keen for people to heed the drink drive message, and leave their car behind if they have been drinking.
The legal limit for driving is 80 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood.The amount of alcohol in a half pint of beer is approximately the same as in a pub measure of spirits, of port or sherry, or a small glass of wine.Cocktails are especially potent, which is not always detectable from the taste.The amount and type of alcoholic drink, your weight, sex, age and metabolism all play a part in how much you can drink and stay under the limit.
Any alcohol, even a small drink, will impair your driving ability. Nearly one in seven of all deaths on the road involve drivers who are over the legal limit. At twice the legal limit you are 50 times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident. The answer? Do not drink and drive.
It is impossible to accelerate the sobering up process. Showers, black coffee, pints of water, do not help, it just takes time.
1. you refuse to provide a specimen
2. you are convicted at two and a half times the limit
3. you are convicted twice in ten years
you will be classed as a High Risk Offender and could be banned from driving for three years or even serve a prison sentence.
In all these cases you will have to convince a doctor that you do not have a drink problem before you get your licence back and you will have to pay for the medical examination.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Healthy Pregnancy

Becoming a mother is one of the most exciting times in a woman's life. Whether you're dreaming of motherhood, trying to conceive, or already pregnant, you've come to the right place. This section of will help you learn what you can do before, during, and after pregnancy to give your baby a healthy start to life. Begin your motherhood journey here...
- Before You Get Pregnant: Information for All Women
- You're Pregnant: Now What?
- Getting Ready for Baby
- Childbirth and Beyond
- Mom-to-Be Tools
Monday, June 08, 2009
Staying Safe on the Southern Ocean
General Shipboard Safety Rules
Always remember to let someone know where you will be at all times. Your disappearance for several hours can cause alarm if you don't let someone know your whereabouts. Letting someone know is especially important if you will be in an unfrequented area, for example, working in a lab van or taking a tour of the Engine Room.
Don't go out on deck alone at night or in rough weather. If something does happen, these conditions make it almost impossible to find someone who has fallen over the side.
Wear sensible clothing:
- Shoes with non-skid soles are recommended, especially on deck. Sandals of any kind are not safe.
- Wear a hat, sunglasses, and sunblock if you are working long hours outside. The levels of harmful UV radiation are much higher in Antarctica and at sea than elsewhere.
Be aware of watertight doors. These doors may swing from the ship's motion and can cause injury. Keep hands and fingers clear. And always be sure to secure all watertight doors by securely latching (dogging) them.
Ship Maneuvers
Whenever the ship is docking or casting off, all non-essential personnel are to stay clear of the Bridge, weather deck areas forward of the superstructure, and the aft working deck. When doing Zodiac Operations stay clear of the aft working deck as well unless you are part of the operation.
Safety Equipment
The GOULD and PALMER both have safety equipment such as emergency eye wash stations, spill control centers, and first-aid kits located around the labs. Life jackets and exposure suits are located in each cabin. Extra life jackets and exposure suits are located in the labs and other work areas.